All employees are required to take their temperature on the day they enter the company, and record the temperature readings in the system.
If fever is detected (forehead temperature ≧37.5°C), please apply for sick leave to rest at home.
Travel Control
Full suspension of overseas travel.
All private overseas trips are prohibited.
Leave of absence for domestic travel must be specified to facilitate future tracking
Access Control
Avoid visitors entering during epidemic prevention period and use telephone conferences more often.
All visitors are required to take their temperature check and fill out a visitor record.
If fever is detected (forehead temperature ≧37.5°C) or is not wearing a mask, entering company premises will not be allowed.
Visitor's activity area is limited to staff lounge only.
Private visitors are strictly prohibited.
In case the governmental authorities impose a ban on on-site dining at restaurants, the company will offer free lunch during this period of time to protect safety of employees, as the employees will be advised not to go out unless necessary.
Temporary Suspension of Gathering Activities
AB work shifts during Level 3 alert to reduce office traffic.
Avoid holding or attending parties during the vaccination period.
Keep a social distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors, or wear a mask if you are unable to do so.
Wear a mask on all elevator rides and keep conversations to a minimum.
Minimize the number of face-to-face meetings during the epidemic prevention period.
Leave of Absence Rules
If you have any cold symptoms (such as headache, sore throat, fever, cough), wear a mask and seek medical advice immediately.
If you have acute respiratory symptoms or fever, please apply for sick leave to rest at home. Please reduce the number of visits to medical institutions during the epidemic prevention period.
Health Promotion
Immediate announce information about epidemic prevention.
Reduce Meetings
To reduce the number of gatherings, all meetings will be conducted online.。
Cleaning and Disinfection
Disinfect the door handles and meeting rooms twice a day.
Install induction thermometer and alcohol disinfectors at the entrance and exits of each floor.
Use ultra-violet light disinfection lamp for testing equipment and disinfect daily.
Hire a professional disinfection vendors to disinfect the entire office every six months.
(During the epidemic period, the frequency of disinfection is changed to once every two months; for level 3 alert, the frequency of disinfection is increased to once a week).
IT Preventive Actions
Establish a corporate Line account to transmit epidemic prevention information in real time.
Employees are advised to download Taiwan Social Distancing app to keep track of contact history.
Complete an inventory of home information equipment and network status, and purchased video conferencing equipments to reduce the communication gap caused by remote work.